Reefing & Furling

Roller reefing and furling units are the direct link between us the and headsail(s).  They should allow us to have safe and efficient sail control from the cockpit, removing stress and overall enhancing our sailing experience.  Kingston Rigging understands this and with the experience and knowledge to service all main brand units, renew forstays and we can supply and fit from new, high quality systems from Sailspar, Furlex and Karver.

Roller Reefing

Roller reefing systems are used mainly on standard Jibs and Genoas, they have an aluminium foil that runs the length of a static structural stay.  The sail is hoisted with a swivel and sail will neatly roll onto foil and can be used fully unfurled, or at smaller reefed intervals to suit the prevailing weather conditions.   

Roller Furling

Roller Furlers come in a few flavors, but overall they can only be used with the sail fully furled or unfurled and not in between.  

Code 0

These will have an anti torsion rope with a swivel at the top, you hoist the whole system up with a halyard (sometimes 2:1) attached to the top of the swivel.  

Top Down  

Sailspar RRG, with its continuous looped reefiing line allowing for safe and steady reefing in all coinditions 

In-mast reefing systems

We can service in mast mainsail reefing systems from all main mast manufacturers including Z-Spars, Selden and Sparcraft.


Furlex 4S series

Sailspar RRG

Karver Furlers